Coworking spaces and my visit to Space 2B

An example of a Coworking space. Flickr, 2007.

Coworking: It feels like one of those buzz words that you feel like you’ve heard a thousand times, but still have no idea what it means. Breaking it down, “Coworking is the use of an office or other working environment by people who are self-employed or working for different employers, typically so as to share equipment, ideas, and knowledge”. Coworking spaces are a great opportunity for creative people that are starting businesses to get more out of an office space. They are diverse, cost effective, and flexible, which suits the needs of an entrepreneur just starting a new business. These spaces are also so much more than an office space, they create a small sense of community that helps breed and nurture business and sometimes even personal relationships.

A Coworking space provides the chance for a creative entrepreneur to make sure they stay productive, instead of working from home where they may not get as much work done. The Harvard Business Review points out that the spaces provide the chance for more job control while also being a space that promotes work progression, “Coworking spaces are normally accessible 24/7. People can decide whether to put in a long day when they have a deadline or want to show progress… They can choose whether they want to work in a quiet space so they can focus, or in a more collaborative space with shared tables where interaction is encouraged”. The accessibility factor is also a plus when considering that sometimes, real life happens, and you need to be somewhere quickly. Say (God forbid!) that your pet is ill or family member has suddenly been rushed to hospital, a Coworking space isn’t going to turn its back on you when you need to leave and you can return to your work whenever you please.

Recently I had the opportunity to visit one of Cardiff’s Coworking spaces to get a sense of how they operate and the atmosphere of a bustling space. The space I visited was Space 2B at the old maltings buildings, just a ten-minute drive from Cardiff bay. The malting factories were initially built in 1887 as Wales’ largest malting factory. The buildings were later converted into office spaces in the 1980’s. The buildings history is worked into the design aspect with its red bricked walls and metal spiral stairways. This is a refreshing take on a Coworking space, the combination of old and contemporary creates a cosy aspect while still promoting a productive atmosphere and the incorporation of the buildings older qualities shows a respect for the history and heritage of Wales’ capital.

Collaboration: An important aspect of the Coworking space. Wikipedia, 2018


During my visit I was given a booklet which contained information about the spaces they have to offer and the price range available. This information is also available on their website. The space boasts whole floors dedicated to different spaces, including breakout areas and even a sun deck if it all gets a bit too much!

The biggest business that Space 2B provide for is a DNA agency named Lextox, which takes up the entire first floor and half of the 4th floor of the building, employing over 100 staff. The space also provides a free cycle to work scheme and there is a free shuttle bus service for workers to access.

When I was shown through the building, I got a real sense of the importance of the space to its workers and a great sense of constant community growth was felt throughout. This is the real advantage and attracting quality of a Coworking space; it has a one-up over normal office spaces as it provides a comfortable atmosphere with the opportunity meet anyone you need to help your business grow. If you are a young entrepreneur looking to start a new business, I highly recommend you seek out a Coworking space and watch your idea flourish.